Auto Collision Repair Program
Auto Repair Occupations
This area of study is designed to provide learners with skills in collision repair occupations. Major instructional concepts include: non-structural analysis and damage repair; structural analysis and damage repair; mechanical and electrical component; plastics and adhesive; painting and refinishing and general occupational information.
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Course Subjects
Fundamentals of Collision Repair
Mechanics and Electrical Components
Surface Preparation and Refinishing
Non Structural Analysis and Damage Repair
Structural Analysis and Damage Repair
Advanced Refinishing Techniques
Program Information
What Our Students Say
Everything I learned at the career center carried over to my uncle’s garage that I now work at. This program was a huge help for me. Zack Jeffreys Auto Collision Repair Program
I wasn’t sure what program I wanted to join until I asked about auto collision. It was incredibly helpful and a lot of fun. Andy Blackwell Auto Collision Repair Program